running with varicose veins

Running with Varicose Veins: What Every Runner ...

Running with varicos veins is a common concern for many, especially those who also spend a lot of time on their feet. While running itself doesn’t cause varicose veins, it...

Running with Varicose Veins: What Every Runner ...

Running with varicos veins is a common concern for many, especially those who also spend a lot of time on their feet. While running itself doesn’t cause varicose veins, it...

running at night

How Safe Am I Running At Night?

Most runners have dealt with injuries, but being hit by a car can cause the most severe damage. Fractures and head injuries may not only stop your training temporarily, but...

How Safe Am I Running At Night?

Most runners have dealt with injuries, but being hit by a car can cause the most severe damage. Fractures and head injuries may not only stop your training temporarily, but...

insoles for overpronation

Insoles For Overpronation

Choosing the right insoles for overpronation is important for providing proper support and comfort to your feet. What is Overpronation? Overpronation occurs when your foot rolls excessively inward while walking...

Insoles For Overpronation

Choosing the right insoles for overpronation is important for providing proper support and comfort to your feet. What is Overpronation? Overpronation occurs when your foot rolls excessively inward while walking...

Insoles for supination

Insoles For Supination

The best insoles for supination have maximum cushioning. If you supinate then your feet tend to roll out placing more load on the outside of your foot and forefoot. What...

Insoles For Supination

The best insoles for supination have maximum cushioning. If you supinate then your feet tend to roll out placing more load on the outside of your foot and forefoot. What...

Mobile phone holders

Seven Reasons To Buy A Mobile Phone Holder

Mobile phone holders and carriers are increasingly popular with runners and walkers. With many phones costing hundreds of pounds upwards, here are 7 good reasons to get one. 1. Listen...

Seven Reasons To Buy A Mobile Phone Holder

Mobile phone holders and carriers are increasingly popular with runners and walkers. With many phones costing hundreds of pounds upwards, here are 7 good reasons to get one. 1. Listen...

Insoles for Plantar fasciitis

Best Insoles For Plantar Fasciitis

Wearing insoles for Plantar fasciitis is an important part of treatment and reduces heel pain symptoms. Poor foot biomechanics is a key factor which increases your chance of suffering this...

Best Insoles For Plantar Fasciitis

Wearing insoles for Plantar fasciitis is an important part of treatment and reduces heel pain symptoms. Poor foot biomechanics is a key factor which increases your chance of suffering this...