Single or double layer running socks?
Mike WaldenOne of the questions we're most often asked is - which is better Single or Double Layer Running Socks? We've partnered with Claire Maxted to take a look.
And the answer? It's all down to personal preference.
Admittedly this sounds like a terrible answer but in all seriousness it really does come down to trial and error. We have many customers who swear by the double layer system and others who simply struggle to get on with them and they prefer a single layer option.
We know that this struggle is very real for some people as it can take A LOT of testing until you find what works for you. We've worked hard in our design process to make both single and double layer running socks which are of the highest quality. That's why our range is so wide - we try to cater for as many of our customers as possible. If you're struggling to decide then please let us know and we'll try to narrow down your options a little bit.
We partnered up with Claire Maxted who is an accomplished Trail Runner and she was happy to take this up with her followers on social media to try and get to the bottom of such a divisive question.
Check out her video below for the results:
Find out more about Claire on her website and YouTube channel HERE