6 Top Tips For Walkers
Mike WaldenAs the days are longer and the weather is warming up, we’re stepping out with one of our cheery ambassadors and all-round awesome adventurer, Jenn Gaskell.
Jenn is currently one month into trekking across Nepal but took some time out from aching feet, weak tea and dodgy wi-fi to explain why a good walk gets you far…
1. Plan
I love planning a good walk by grabbing a map and deciding what I'd like to see, whether it's walking to a nice mountain lake for a swim, bagging a peak or following a coastline. I use the OutdoorActive app which has lots of extra tracks mapped and can measure the distance and ascent of any route you draw.
2. Essential kit
A flask of tea to enjoy the views with! A good set of waterproofs for the unpredictable weather and some decent walking socks are a must. My favourite are any of double-layered 1000 miles socks. We spend lots on the latest walking boots and shoes but forget a quality pair of socks are just as important!
3. Adventure kit
On longer hikes such as my current venture, joints and muscles are working harder so I always carry medical tape, muscle balms and love the Blister Plasters from Ultimate Performance Medical to relieve any existing blisters. I also find walking poles really useful for any routes with steep ascents or for longer hikes too. They’re also great should you need to ward off any stray animals you might meet along the way!
Outdoor Therapy
Walking has so many physical and mental benefits, and it’s free so it's great to fit it in as much as possible! Breathe. Look around. Enjoy the freedom and feeling your body do what it’s built to do.
Start small
Not every walk has to be about scaling a big mountain or covering a huge distance, it could be about exploring the nature of your local area and checking out the seasonal flowers, or listening to an interesting podcast or simply getting off the bus a few stops earlier on your commute.
Listen in
I only listen to podcasts when I'm walking so I save up loads which makes me have to get out even if it's raining! Before you know it, you’ve covered miles.
Enjoy the outdoors wherever your ramble…
You can follow Jenn’s inspiring journey on instagram @jenn_gaskell